Since 2000 George has directed everything from documentary series to live sports and music events. In 2010 he began specialising in commercials and high-end corporate work. Recent projects have included:
2012/13 – Director of FIFA’s first ever global TV Commercials
2012 – Director – first ever 3D Documentary of Olympic Games
2010 – Director – Conservative Party’s TV Election Campaign
George has also won the following awards:
Silver IVCA – Best Public Relations Film – 2013
Bronze IVCA – Best Charity Film – 2013
Science on TV Festival – Award for Excellence – 2011
Iraqi Press Freedom Assoc. – Best Sports Contribution – 2010
Malta TV Festival – Best Documentary Award – 2010
Alternative Cannes Award – Best Foreign Documentary – 2000
George writes:
“My work has taken me all over the globe from war zones to world cups and I have always embraced the opportunity to follow human stories wherever they can be found. My goal is to share the experience and lives of others with as wide an audience as possible, using not only traditional film-making techniques but also new technology to engage and inspire. I have worked to all sizes of budget and enjoy the challenge of exceeding clients’ expectations and maximising their return on investment at every level. I am dedicated to my profession and I want to share that commitment with those I work with.”